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Intelribrary Loan
Need an item that is not listed in our online catalog?
Books, copies of articles, music, movies, and microfilm can be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary loans are available at the main library and all branches.
Searching for your items can take several weeks in some cases. The item is sent to the library and checked out to you. Some libraries request that your materials be used in the library only.
Naming and Sponsorship Opportunities
Birchard Library Association Foundation Capital CampaignNaming and Sponsorship Opportunities The following rooms, spaces, and equipment are available for sponsorship: The West Wing $1,000,000 Naming Opportunity - Available A gift at this level will provide an opportunity to name, in honor or in memory of a donor, the new west wing of the library. |
Birchard eCard
Birchard Public Library eCards are virtual library cards that allow patrons entry to all of Birchard Library's remotely accessible electronic resources, including online resources, downloadable eBooks, audio books, videos and music. |