Meeting Room

Birchard Public Library provides meeting rooms at the Main Library for public use. There are several rooms of different sizes available, up to a maximum of 100 people.

Who May Use the Rooms?

Meeting rooms are available on equal terms to all non-profit groups in the community regardless of the beliefs and affiliations of their members.
All meetings and programs must be open to anyone who wants to attend and must be consistent with the informational, educational, and recreational purposes of the library.
No solicitation is allowed. No admission fee may be charged.

The use of the meeting rooms for personal political campaigns is not permitted.

The Birchard Library Board of Trustees has determined that all workshops or seminars on financial, estate or retirement planning, and related topics will be considered "for profit" ventures and therefore, sponsoring groups or individuals will not be permitted to use the library meeting rooms.
If there is doubt as to the eligibility of a group, the question will be referred to the Library Director.

Please consult the brochure and application for further details.

How Much Does It Cost?

Birchard Public Library is pleased to provide meeting and program space to community groups at no charge.

Will The Library Staff Set Up The Room?

Each room has a standard set-up. Groups are responsible for clean-up and returning the room to its original set-up. Please see the brochure and application for more information.

How Do I Reserve the Meeting Room?

Applications are available in the Administrative Office between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and at the Circulation Desk during all open hours
An application is also available for printing; see link below.

Shortly after you return the completed application form, you will receive in the mail written notice of approval of the request.

The library reserves the right to deny use of its meeting rooms.
You are NOT permitted to use the meeting room until your application is formally approved.



Attachment Size
Meeting Room Brochure 184.69 KB
Meeting Room Application 135.73 KB

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