Make a Contribution

Birchard Public Library
is grateful for the many ways in which
the community continues to support the Library.


Method to DonateDescription of Method 
Memorials and donations
in honor or in celebration
of a person
We welcome contributions given to commemorate a person. All contributions are tax deductible. Contributions may be made by printing and mailing our online form (located at the bottom of this page), in person at the Library, or by sending the contribution to: Beth Leibengood, Director, Birchard Public Library, 423 Croghan St., Fremont, OH 43420, (419) 334-7101, Ext. 1202. 
Birchard Library
Association Foundation
Monetary gifts are also gratefully received by the Library foundation, a not-for-profit organization that provides support for the activities and services of the Library system. All gifts are tax deductible. For more information about the Foundation, click here or link directly to a Foundation contribution form. You may also contact, Beth Leibengood, Director, Birchard Public Library, 423 Croghan St., Fremont, OH 43420, (419) 334-7101, Ext. 1202.
Donate onlineMake an online donation to the library safely and securely with PayPal.
Join the
Friends of the Library or
the Woodville Book Guild
Both of these organizations provide an opportunity to support the library. Friends of the Library supports the main library and the branches while the Woodville Book Guild, an organization that has been in existence more than 50 years, supports the Woodville branch.
Join the
Kroger Community
Rewards Program
You can help the Friends of the Library by designating us as your Community Rewards recipient. Then each time you shop and use your Kroger Plus Card, a percentage of your spending will benefit the Library. All you need is your Kroger Plus Card and an email address. This does not affect your personal rewards points. Register your Kroger Plus Card online. 
Volunteer your time
We are always grateful for supporters who have time to donate to the Library. Click here to discover volunteer opportunities.
Donate materials
The Library is happy to accept donated materials: books, CDs, CD Rom’s, DVDs, and audiobooks but is unable to assign a value to the items donated. We will provide a gift receipt upon request. Please read our policy. Materials may be brought to any library facility during open hours. 


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memorial form.pdf 10.41 KB

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